I'm a software engineer specializing in fullstack web development, robotics, machine learning and algorithm development. I am currently completing my degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science at Northeastern University where I will be graduating May 2023.
00. About
01. Work
Data Science and Software Engineering Intern @Fulfil Solutions
September 2022 - December 2022
Built and managed a fullstack live inventory module for mangement of products inside the system using Angular and .Net.
Developed algorithms for optimizing invetentory space and product distribution accross storage robots.
Implemented outlier detection for finding issues with the product selection system.
Software Engineering Intern @Apple
May 2022 - September 2022
Prototyped new AirDrop features for iOS and macOS using Swift and Objective-C using new hardware technologies.
Software Engineering Intern @Tesla
September 2021 - December 2021
Built data analysis and continuous integration tools used for identifying issues and verifying firmware builds in engineering fleet using Python, Spark and Splunk.
Implemented a new testing infrastructure to verify logging worked correctly at all parts of the stack.
Increased testing coverage for upcoming features on Model S/X firmware.
Software Engineering Intern @Apple
May 2021 - September 2021
Built an end-to-end testing framework for thermals as part of the Camera and Photos Team.
Designed, built and dockerized a full stack web application to visualize and serve data using MongoDB, React and Express.
Developed plugins expand the capabilities of an internal visualization tool using Python.
Worked on a data analysis and visualization tool to compare different testing procedures using a variety of statistical metrics including, bootstrapping, ttests and non-parametric tests.
Undergraduate Research Assistant @Northeastern University
November 2020 - April 2021
Designed and prototyped a functional and reactive listening device using Google's Voice Assistant API.
Developed software to track audio sources and rotate a motor to direct the device at the current speaker using Python.
Teaching Assistant - Fundamentals of CS II @Khoury College of Computer Science
September 2020 - April 2021
Directed laboratory exercises and lead students through assignments covering the principles of object-oriented design, abstractions and algorithmic complexity.
Graded exams, assignments and laboratory exercises.
First Year Engineering Tutor @Northeastern University College Of Engineering
September 2020 - Current
Tutor engineering students in topics including C++, MATLAB, Arduino (coding and circuit building), SolidWorks, and AutoCAD.
Build and maintain Prusa 3D printers and Boss Laser Cutters.
02. Projects
Featured Project
Magic Touch
A video processing project built with the intent to analyze and create highlight videos for the sport of spikeball. Uses OpenCV, Python and tensorflow in order to track ball accross frames and isolate net bounces using a combination of image processing and a CNN for classification. Uses key video timestamps to generate a clipped video based on user preferences.
Featured Project
B-I-K-E (Best In Kard Entertainment)
For our capstone project we built a automated poker table. It automates shuffling and dealing all while keeping track of the current game state and player information. The project included an card turret, card shuffler, I2C connected button panels, and a GUI for user input and game information. We won first place at the NEU 2023 ECE Capstone Expo. Check out the link below to see a video demo of our project.
Featured Project
Chess Bot
I was the project lead for the NEU Robotics Chess Bot project. I lead software and hardware teams to build a robot that plays chess phyically against a human. It is a gantry style cartesian robot driven by four stepper motors with a custom built piece end effector. My main contributions were in writing the embedded c++ code for motor movement, creating the GUI for player interaction and displaying robot statistics, designing the interface layer between the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and building the computer vision stack to identify pieces on the board.
Featured Project
Java Animator
Built a Java project to render animations from a given text format. Enabled the user to generate and display svgs based on the given input. In addition it provided a structured input language to generate animations. GUI allowed for pause, resume, restart, and speed up/slow down in real time.
03. Contact
Say Hello!
I am always interested in diving headfirst into any project. Feel free to reach out to say hello or ask a question!
ContactDesigned and Built By Connor Nelson